Cross Country Results:
Our first meet of the year.
Abbey and Matt both finished first for their team, 8
th overall. Which is excellent, because there is about 150 + kids running in their groups. I know Abbey had a mile time of about 6 minutes 20 seconds. I'm not sure of Matt's.
Andrew....now that's a whole different story. During practices, Jeff and I noticed that he was almost always in the back of his group, walking!, yapping away, with some of the older "helper" girls. We didn't have much hope that he'd even RUN the entire course come meet time.
Oh, he ran! Maybe I should call it a slow jog. OK, that's even pushing it.
Along the way, he made many new friends. His main intent and purpose, it seemed, was to recognize faces in the crowd, wave, and give high-5's to as many bystanders as he could. He had a blast, without really knowing why all these other kids were working up a sweat, trying so hard to beat each other.
A politician or famous Hollywood star.
Not a future long distance Olympian.
He came in 159
th, out of about 163 or so, acquired a new fan base, and made lots of people laugh.
A goal worth running for.