Slight Change in Career Plans by Andrew

Since Andrew broke his leg a year ago, he had big plans on being a "cast doctor". We had the experience of going to a great orthopedic surgeon. I admit that some of the photos in the doctor's office of yachts and whatnot, put a little extra umphhh into my encouragement of his chosen career.
Apparently things have changed.
Last week Andrew helped me make waffles for lunch and I was complimenting him on how good they turned out.
"Mom, I decided I'm not going to be that one thing anymore. What was it? Oh yeah, a cast doctor. I'm going to be a waffle maker when I grow up."
"Oh, really Andrew? Are you sure?", I answered...slight panic in my voice as dreams of sailing on the open seas quickly evaporate.
"Yes. But you might get a little mad at me. Or really sad."
Oh no, perhaps he can read my materialistic mind?
"Because when I leave to be a waffle maker, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to take THAT thing (pointing to the waffle iron) OUT of your house. Forever."
A Gifted Child
What's really wrong with this picture???
The kid who is SUPPOSED to be studying this book is shooting hoops!
Bib Making
I've had this great idea (with encouragement from my sister in law Rose) to make a couple of massive size, reversible bibs for Patrick...I'm copying an old bib that Andrew had that I've never been able to find more of. So far 2 bibs took me far too long. When I sew it seems like it can never go smoothly. Maybe if I set up a proper work station instead of kneeling in my laundry room, or maybe if I really read the manual that came with the sewing machine, it would help. And I'm always in this rush to get things done before the baby wakes up, or Andrew needs lunch, so that doesn't help either. By the time I'm done, I question whether it was worth the hassle. I think this time the answer is yes, because they are super cute and cost just a couple dollars.
Next sewing project are the kid's Halloween costumes...can't wait to go the store this weekend. That's the fun part.
The Sneakin' Up The Stairway Game...Is This Fun Or What?
He already knows how to wedge his big boy head in between the gate and stairway and then to push as hard as possible to achieve a small enough opening to squeeze by. I made the mistake of running up and chasing him...which of course turned this escapade into the most fun you can possibly have in an afternoon....fun for him, not the mother of this sweet child who has tons to do, but now has to find a way to create yet another complicated barrier.
Oh, baby boy, I LOVE YOU!
Andrew calls Jeff his twin...except for the "salt". We figured out "salt" means whiskers. They are both more alike then they'd like to admit. Loud, funny, stubborn, affectionate and loyal, CRAZY!
We love our twins!
3/4 c. butter
1 c. sugar
1/4 c. mollases
1 egg
2 c. flour
2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ginger
1/2 tsp. salt
Throw it all in a bowl and mix it up. Form dough into balls and roll in bowl of sugar. (This is a great job for someone around the age of 5.)
8-10 mins. @ 375.
Lightly grease the cookie sheets.
Stack up in parchment paper, tie with bow, and give to neighbor who caught stupid dog for you for the umpteenth time.
Some Special Equations
Jeff+Soccer Concussion+Splitting Headache+Stock Market + Freaked Out Client's+High Schooler's Algebra Homework=Crabby DaddyTeething baby+Bored Little Boys+Beautiful Night=Night Walk
Big Curb+Too Fast=Gaping Chin
Gaping Chin+Algebra Exam Help from Dad=Mom Takes 2 Boys and 1 Baby to ERBusy Er+Gross People+One Hour of Waiting Room=Another Good IdeaNiece's Husband (Plastic Surgeon)+Phone Call=Awesome Stitch Job in Private OfficeTired Baby+Tired Parents+Tired Kids=BED TIME FOR ALL
Big Curb+Too Fast=Gaping Chin
Gaping Chin+Algebra Exam Help from Dad=Mom Takes 2 Boys and 1 Baby to ERBusy Er+Gross People+One Hour of Waiting Room=Another Good IdeaNiece's Husband (Plastic Surgeon)+Phone Call=Awesome Stitch Job in Private OfficeTired Baby+Tired Parents+Tired Kids=BED TIME FOR ALL
Grand Central Station
This is the kid's craft supply area in the kitchen and where I throw all the little "stuff" I find laying around the house. If they can't find something, I tell them to check in their baskets. The chest of drawers was given to me in college and I painted it up and took the drawers out, and searched FOREVER for those baskets. I am going to have to figure out how to get Patrick into this system...maybe when Isaac goes off to college? Let's not think about that yet.
Halloween Decorations
I know I said I wasn't going to acknowledge Autumn till October 15, but I succumbed to the pressure. And Halloween is my favorite! Yes, because it involves candy, and for no other reason. Sad to say, but true.
So I went on a little burst of decorating the house last week. I used to love doing this, but I really don't enjoy it that much anymore. I think it's because I'm getting older. That thought scared me...the getting older, not enjoying the "fun" stuff anymore thing....so I intentionally forced myself to do it. I went to a couple stores and didn't find much. And I didn't really want to spend a lot. I bought maybe $30 worth of things...that big spider on my mirror, some pumpkins, the black birds in my dining room, spider web stuff ($1!) and the cheapest white sheet I could find. I decided I was going to use what I have for all the rest. So up to the attic and back to the yard I went.
Andrew was so excited when he got off the bus in the morning, and he couldn't wait to show the kids "his scary surprises".
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