
A Little Art

Andrew's house drawing.


  1. Thanks for stopping by! Your blog is so witty and refreshing. Thanks for sharing parts of your life. It's the weekend, Wahoo!

    ~Jackie, The Fox Den

  2. They're both pretty awesome drawings. I guess talent runs in your family.

  3. That's sweet. And you know? He did a really fine job! I like yours too. :)

  4. I love my kids art and it's nice to be surrounded and smothered with love.

  5. What a nice picture to hang in your kitchen! And you, little missy, have just a plethora of talents, don't you?

  6. I love this post today...I feel the same way in this house...why do you all like me so much?

    His pictures is wonderful...I love you framed it and hung it up!
    Have a great weekend!

  7. I always say I want time to myself. That is one reason there is 8:00 bedtime. The time after that is for me to visit with hubby, watch tv or read.

  8. I love those little eye opening lessons that sneak right in the back door.

  9. We love children's drawings! We need to make sure we do something creative everyday with our children!
    Kara &Darcy

  10. What a sweet story...unfortunately, too have a little one that HAS to do what I'm doing! To see evidence of this, you should stop by my blog there's a post titled Little Artist that I think you may be able to relate to!

  11. what a great idea!!! i have a little one who just today sat down to 'stamp' with me while i finished a client's card order...tonite (5 y.o.) he told me, "i like stampin' with you, mom." just so matter of factly. i had no idea in my rush and literal hysteria to finish the order on time, he just sat and enjoyed the moment. indeed. lesson learned.

    enjoying every bit i read,
