
A Treasure Chest

Spring cleaning the other day. Took the cushions off. Stuck that vacuum attachment in there. Pulled out everything you see above. No, not Sammy. Everything else!


  1. Looks like my experience. Just replace your dog with a pug and add some popcorn kernels to the loot!

  2. LOL! I always find Polly Pocket clothes and Nerf gun bullets!!

  3. Wow. Been there before. I find Goldfish and cars usually. I've found sippy cups before...not pretty.

  4. I love Sammy checking it out to see if there were any snacks in there ha ha!

  5. I could have easily taken this picture! Our furniture looks the exact same way!

  6. Oh I am so glad that I am not the ONLY ONE. For some reason I always find lollipop sticks and candy wrappers.

  7. I could feed a third-world nation with what comes out of my couch. And this from the mom who said, "My kids will never eat on the couch."

  8. ok, two months ago when i did this, I found (amoung MANY other things) a set of keys that did not belong to anyone in our house. I asked everyone who i could think of that had visited me, carried those darn keys around in my purse for a month, was finally ready to give up and toss them into the toy chest at my aunts house, until she said "hey, those are mine"....UGH, so frustrating! BTW, I HAD asked her already if she was missing any keys and she said No!...LOL

  9. I dare you to take a picture of the floor and seats in your car....
