

That's 4 boys worth of Thomas the Trains.
Can you name them all by sight?


  1. I love the new banner, will need to try out some of your Picassa tips, maybe this weekend...

  2. We had drawers full of Match Box cars, and ONLY ONE BOY! My son loved them and just recently started selling them at a garage sale. He did quite well. My daughter Olivia had these Snow White figurines, that she loved. And I had to keep track of them all the time. Memories! Enjoy your day!

  3. Do your boys sing all of the songs using a British accent? :)

  4. Oh, yes, maam, I can name them all! My Jack loves them like I've never seen a child love anything before. It warms my heart.

  5. That looks like my girls' bin of dollhouse people. They all have names too, and if I get them wrong, the 3 1/2 year old looks at me like I'm nuts. :)

  6. I think I can see Thomas, James, Duncan, Percy, Annie, Bertie, Clarabel.... We have one of those buckets too. :0) I once forgot to bring my son's sippy cup with us while running errands and he told me I was "very unreliable." Ha!

  7. I can name quite a few but man! I'm glad my little guy has a love for trains, but I can't believe what they've done to his bedroom! I'm also glad my guy's not the only one with an affinity for those little die-cast boogers!

  8. I can't do this but I can recite the entire Dr. Seuss ABC book....after 30 years I still remember!!! Oh the mommy joys. They are priceless!

  9. Now if there were a bucket of let's say dolls or Webkinz, I could name them all. Trains ... not so big in our family of girls.

  10. I can too! One of my boys even shares a name with one of those fine trains. I'll give you a hint...it is NOT Bulstrode, Troublesome Trucks, or Lady.

  11. Oh yes, I can name them all by site as well. We are actually having a "Percy, James, Thomas, Emily, Gordon, etc." birthday for my soon-to-be 3 year old by his request. :-)

  12. I can totally name those!!! We're on our third train table!
    I just came upon your blog through Shawni's and I LOVE it!! You're so witty & creative & inspiring.
    Hope you don't mind me checking in once in a while.

  13. I can name them. My son is having his 3rd Thomas birthday this year. 3rd as in his 2, 3, and now 4 year old party. I have 1 boy and just found out we have another on the way. I think it's time to just buy the train table.
