Jeff ran his marathon Sunday.
I had NO idea marathons were so much fun!
For the people watching the marathon.
I’m not sure if they are fun for the people running.
You’ll have to ask them.
We left one child behind with grandparents (he had a very important football game) and took 4 kids for this little weekend getaway…which I reminded them quite often, the sole purpose of which was to support their father.
We stayed in a hotel room, 3 to a bed. That was NOT the fun part. Why do kids get SO hyper in hotel rooms?

When one of the beds got too squishy someone decided sleeping on the floor on layers of pillows was a better alternative. In the middle of the night, I was jealous, because I wish I would have claimed the space first.
Here’s Jeff at the 11 mile mark.

The kids loved seeing him (and vice versa), and although the streets were packed, with the help of Abbey…she has a special talent with direction and maps that I don’t possess, we navigated the streets successfully. I had a huge stroller and a very very good little 7 year old who had to keep up with us. We were able to see Jeff at 3 different points, and during the 25th mile, Abbey and Isaac ran with him a little.
We did a lot of waiting…which meant certain someone’s did a lot of laying all over filthy city sidewalks.

Here’s Jeff at mile 25 pretending like he can’t finish. (He really is pretending, I’m not joking.) I really couldn’t believe how good he did, and how great he looked every time we saw him. It’s not that I didn’t think he could it, it’s just that he wasn’t that confident in himself.

A couple days before the marathon he was getting all nervous and edgy. I finally gave him a little pep talk in the car on the way down. I told him there were 3 scenarios.
1. He could try running the marathon but quit if it got too hard. And then he’d have to tell people he was running a marathon that he quit.
2. He could try running the marathon and end up having to walk. And you know everyone wants to know, after they've heard you’ve run a marathon, if you walked. I don’t think that is really a fair question (usually asked by people who can’t run a block) but nevertheless, you’d have to say yes.
3. You could run the marathon. The whole thing.
That’s it. It’s not complicated. So shut up about it. (I didn’t say that part. Well, maybe I did, under my breath.)
His time, since you want to know. 3.48.
At the end:

Trying to stand up after the race:

Trying to walk back to the hotel after the race:

I didn’t MAKE him push the stroller by the way, although it appears so in this photo. He needed to hang onto it like an elderly man needs a walker.
He says he’ll never do one again, but asking that now, I think, is like asking a mother in a labor when she’s going to have her next.
Give it time.
P.S. Watching a marathon makes you feel like you want to run one. It did for me. I got a little envious. All these women running…all different ages, all different shapes and sizes, all different speeds…it’s awesome. But when it comes to actually lacing up my shoes and getting my butt outside in the chilly air, hmmmmm…I think of 1000 other things I should/could/want to be doing. Darn!