
Daylight Savings Time

(me and Patrick...in our pj's, ready for bed)

I am SO ready for bed every night.  I hit a wall between 9:00-10 p.m.  Jeff laughs at me, because he just looks at me and can see when that wall and I have collided.  I'm a morning person, and morning people can not stay up till midnight, I tell him. 

One thing I hate about switching the clocks back is that it I really need daylight from 6-10 pm...the day is extended longer, I can get more done, and I don't feel like getting into my PJ's at 7 pm when the sun is shining. 

One thing I love about switching the clocks back is that I feel justifited in making myself go to bed earlier and boy, does this make me feel better all day long. 

How does someone "get" to become a morning or night person? 
Do you think it's a genetic, or the routine established in childhood? 
I've always wondered.


  1. I think the morning/night person thing is mostly genetic. I couldn't fathom getting to a point where I'm able to be up early in the morning and be happy about (hence the midnight comment). Sometimes I wish I could though!

  2. I think you're born one way or the other. My Mum had a hard time getting me out of bed as a child, and now as a Mum I have a hard time getting myself out of bed!
    My son takes after his Father - they are morning people - arrggh!

    By the way - I love your blog :)

  3. I was enrolled in PM Kindergarten because my Mom couldn't get me up in the morning.
    Now that I'm a 4th grade teacher, and back on the elementary daily schedule ... I STILL have trouble getting up. I set 3 alarms & press snooze through all 3.
    I've always been a night owl like my Dad. My niece is an early bird just like her dad. I think it's definitely in your blood :)

  4. I totally agree-it's gotta be genetic. I'm ready to crash by 9 but up with the crack of dawn, I just can't change it. It's been interesting being married to a night owl!

  5. I think you're born that way. I HATE mornings! Always have. That was the hardest part for me when my kids were really little.

  6. So I've never left a comment on your blog before but I stumbled across it months ago and have enjoyed reading it ever since. I just have a quick question for you. I read your tutorial on how to use picasa to make a banner for my blog recently and while I was using it, picasa scrambled and ruined a couple months worth of my pictures. Have you ever heard of that happening or by any chance now how I can fix it?


  7. totally agree on the genetics thing...I have always been a night person. I have never been able to go to bed before 2am and have hated getting up in the mornings. Guess it's a good thing I work my dream job on the night shift. Of course working the night shift for nearly 13 years has left me with the inablity to sleep for more than 3 hours on any given day. Not sure what that makes me?

  8. I have always wondered this too - I have spent a long time trying to be a morning person and just cannot work out how to do it!

  9. I am totally a morning person...I don't know how I became that way but anything after 10p.m. kills me.

    sandy toe

  10. I don't know about genetics... I was a night-owl from birth to about age 28, then all of a sudden I became a morning person. I get most everything done before 2PM.

  11. I don't think it can be genetic at all. My Mom is a total night owl. She will do anything to sleep late and does not feel one bit bad about it. Especially now that she is retired. My sister and I are both Morning People. I hate the thought of sleeping in, I feel like I'm wasting time. 6:30AM is really late for me. I work from home but on my work days I start at 5AM. Sometimes it is difficult but mostly because I do need the alarm to get up. On a non work say I wake up about 5:30-6:00 without the alarm.

  12. I just want to tell you how beautiful that picture is of you two. It made me smile this morning.

    I was never a morning person until having 2 kids. Now, I love my quiet mornings and I hop out of bed at 5:30 anxious for my quiet alone time. I usually would stay up until 11 but with the time change, I drag my butt to bed at 9:30 these days, yawning and dozing off all the way.

    emily@ remodeling this life

    Happy Thanksgiving Sarah!

  13. I love the picture--Patrick's chubby soft arms--I just want to squeeze them! 2 year olds in pjs--adorable! I am a morning person, but do love a good sleep in til 7 once in a while!

  14. Love the picture. I have always heard that if you are a morning person you were born early in the morning and if you are a night owl you were born late at night. I've tested the theory and I find it to be mostly correct but who knows. But I'm totally with you - I love going to be early and waking up feeling totally refreshed.

  15. I think it can change. I was very much a night owl as a kid and teen-ager/young adult. After having kids, though, I have become much more of a morning person. Now I wake up early and love the quiet and industrious feel of the morning. I too can hardly stay awake in the evenings, but it's more like between 8 and 9 that I'm ready to conk out! You're doing well if you can stay up till 10, I say. I try to enjoy the cozy dark evenings of winter, though part of me dreads them too.

    I will say, though, each of my kids is the opposite--one born a night owl, the other a morning person. I wonder if they'll stay that way for their entire lives?

  16. I disagree that it is genetic, but believe it to be more of a learned behavior. I used to be a night owl, was raised a night owl and married an early bird. Now, I definitely love the mornings and 10pm is late in our home! I am proof that you can change if you want to!

  17. My husband is a morning person and hits that wall between 8:30 and 9 pm. NEVER FAILS! He can wake up at 6 am without an alarm clock too! I, on the other hand, am a night person! If I get up at 6 am I feel physically ill and drag all day. But, if I sleep til 8, I feel good all day and don't need a nap in the afternoon and can last til midnight! My girls are 17 & 18 so I don't have to drive them to school anymore and I'm not currently working. I wish I could change to being a morning person because most of the world is geared that way.

  18. I wish I knew that answer!!! I don't think I'm a morning or a night person....I'm an afternooner :) heehee I could sleep until 9:00 every day and then I'd want to go to bed at 9:00 too! But, of course, that never happens ;) SUre wish someone could tell us the answer...because I'd LOVE to turn into a morning person!!!

  19. I am one of those weird people that gets up early and stays up late...always have..even when my kids were little. If I get more than about 6-7 hours sleep I just feel groggy and disconnected. My hubby, on the other hand,needs 9 to 10 hours sleep. We are really a mis-matched pair. Hugs- Diana

  20. definitely routine. I was never a morning person until my kids went to school at 5:30am. Now like you I am dead to the world at about 8.

  21. What a great photo of you and Patrick.

    I'd weigh in on the routine side--consistency is the father of destiny, one of my professors used to say. It sure would be nice if it weren't that way so that I could use it as an excuse to stay up late and not try to wake up early.

  22. I think it is more about what is going on in your life. When I was in the Navy I had to be a morning person, bright and early at 5 a.m., but once I got out of the Navy I enjoyed sleeping until about 7 a.m.. :o) Then I had children and the kids required me to get up early. Every once in a while I do enjoy staying up later in the evening. So, who knows??

  23. Definitely genetic. My sister and I are 23 months apart and now I'm 50 and she is 48. We shared a room and so we were on the same routine. Growing up I was always, always up at the crack of dawn and I remember the fights my parents had with her because she wouldn't get up. She was also not a night owl and went to bed at a decent hour. To this day she still struggles with morning issues. I think what's going on in your life does have an impact on your sleep times, but it's largely genes.

  24. I think routine. My parents let me fall asleep on the couch every night because I HATED the thought of leaving all the fun. I still do!

  25. I'm in the genetic camp. Brad has tried to convert to the mornings with me, but he just can't seem to stay the course.

  26. what do you do when you're not a morning or a night person?? :)

  27. genetic - i love to sleep in and have the most energy at 10 at nite - so does my dad and my children - GENETIC!!

  28. I think it is genetic. But, ever since kids I have been a night owl and not a morning person. Once they go to bed I get a second wind in me and I am up until midnight. Thank goodness I have good and late sleepers!

  29. I'm a middle of the day person...I may be the only one in creation :)
    I think you're born that way. Just my two cents. I love it when I go to bed early, and I don't do it nearly enough!

  30. I am a morning person. I like to get up and get things done and out of the way but then by 8pm I am ready to crash, not a good thing with three kids.

    Woo Hoo ! I can comment ! It's my computer from work that won't allow me to comment on your page. I guess that is their way of telling me that I should be working. :o)

  31. Love that pic of you two Sarah! So sweet. Lately I've somehow become a night AND a morning person! Kole is up around 5:45 every morning and ready to party. Once my kids are in bed and the house is quiet by 8:00 PM I just want to savor every moment of "me time" so I stay up way too late - usually until at least 11:30 to have time to blog or work on projects. I'm always tired. But not too tired to give up my evening time and go to bed early like I should....

  32. I have no idea why people are morning vs. night. But I am a happy clam that there is sun in the morning when I wake up now (at 7) and that the dark makes my husband ready for bed before midnight!

  33. I am guessing genetics!! I have tried and tried to become a morning person... it will NEVER happen! lol! ;) My mom was a night owl... and FAR from easy to wake up... at least I am able to be woken up! ;) ha ha!

  34. Love this discussion! I wrote a post about my morning girl last spring: http://cathymarquardt.blogspot.com/search/label/morning%20girl

    I am more of a night owl, usually hitting the hay at midnight. My most productive part of the day is between 4-6pm~which makes it difficult to get anything done when you are running kids to/from school, sports, & activities.

    I also think it is interesting how a 1 hour time change can throw your body into a funk! hugs, Cathy

  35. Ha! I hit a wall at FIVE PM! I have to fight and fight to make it until the kids are in bed at 7:15, then I go to bed too. But that's just because I'm pregnant and breastfeeding a baby who doesn't sleep much. Normally, I'm a night owl and my husband is an early bird. I think it's just some weird internal clock thing, because my brother-in-law who shared a room with my husband and had the same routine growing up is a night person. In college when my husband and I were living together, it was great, because I could study late at night while he slept and he could study early early in the morning while I slept.

  36. It's genetic. I think we are all born with an internal clock and unfortunately it doesn't always match the time zone we live in. My dad used to joke that I was on California time, or even Hawaii time because I'm a night owl. But I'm stuck in EST. I'm glad my husband is a night owl too. Midnight is early in our house.

  37. Ha! My husband has been laughing recently about how I've become a solar battery. And that means, right now, my life span in pretty short!

  38. GENITIC!!!!!!! My family is living proof. My father is, my grandfather was. Same M.O. start reading and doing projects @11:oo p.m. then bed between 1 and 2 depending if I relax to watch T.V. My husband say it's because I don't do enough during the day (physically) not true. I am just on such a running pace all day to do all the have to's. I don't get to do the "want to's" until late. I love it!

    P.S. My husband is a MORNING person thus I do not rise(go down stairs) until Elvis has left the building!
