Someone is learning to ride a bike without training wheels. Thank goodness for his brother because it's not an easy thing to teach when you have a midriff like the one I possess at the moment.
We are in summer mode around here but two of the kids still have school till next week. Which means sometimes there is a mad scramble in the morning to get forgotten homework finished before the bus comes. (And sometimes I forget to pack lunches till the last minute-my mind is on summer mode also!)
Pregnancy brain is real, did you know that? I had to laugh at this one....and run to the store for another pack.
Finally a good book. It took me awhile to get through this one (
The Flight of Gemma Hardy
) because of the busy month of May, but I enjoyed it. I have been striking out like crazy book-wise. Even went to the book store and found NOTHING. I realized it's ME, not the book selection. I am pickier than heck right now-I can't concentrate on anything super deep or detailed, but I abhor fluff.
Matt and Jeff ran in their annual 5K Memorial Day race. Matt tapped Jeff on the back of his shoulder about halfway through the race when he passed him. That kid is fast. Jeff complains of his hip and knee but doesn't he realize he's just getting old? :)
We set up our "bubble" pool. That's what I call it at least. We haven't had it up since Patrick was born. But I asked the kids this year what pool they wanted to join and every single one of them begged us to get this old thing out of the attic and not join anywhere. That wasn't a hard sell. I love staying home. We have a sandbox filled with fluffy new sand, a swing set, the old trampoline, our bubble pool, and a tree house.
Sounds perfectly perfect to me.