
Pregnancy Update Week #32


  1. So cute! I think I was that size at 20 weeks with #3!!!

  2. I'm so excited for you! Have a great week!

  3. Wishing this new baby is healthy with all its bits and pieces perfectly formed - that's what we really hope for. My daughter is pregnant with her 3rd at the moment - off to have an ultrasound tomorrow and find out the sex. She is desperately hoping for a little girl (she has two mischievous boys already!). But if this is boy No. 3 she really wont mind as long as he is healthy.

  4. Well I think you look great. I'm only 20 weeks and I'm already that big. Eeek! I can't imagine how big I'm going to be at 32 weeks.

  5. Enjoy every moment. When I was expecting my third child, after two boys, my Mom commented, "You could have another boy, or you could have a girl." Kinda covers all the bases. That baby was a boy. After that we adopted three children through foster care, one girl and two boys. When we got the call about our last baby the case worker said, "It's a boy." My response was - "Good we needed another one of those."
    Have fun guessing!

  6. I think you look great. I never got big enough for anyone to tell if I was pregnant or just fat. There's nothing cuter then an obviously pregnant woman. I love your perspective on gender. It really doesn't matter. I used to always say, "as long as it is healthy". Then with high risk pregnancies and high probability of the babies having problems and not making it I took away the healthy criteria too. Like my husband pointed out to me, the unhealthy babies draw families closer even though it is harder. Can't wait to find out what you have to complete your family.

  7. Aww, you look great! We didn't want to know what we were having either. Healthy living babies were all I wanted. Stay cool for the remainder of the summer!

  8. I can't believe you're at 32 weeks! Not because you are "big" - but because time flies when you aren't the one pregnant!

  9. Precious! Can't wait for your little one to get here! You look great!

  10. I was hoping for belly pic soon. How fun!!
    I say girl. I can't wait! :)

  11. you look great and NOT huge.

  12. My last baby came out weighing 10lbs 8 oz -- you are NOT huge. We have 4 girls and 2 boys and it never mattered to me what we had either, just as long as they were healthy. We have been very blessed -- as are you!

  13. Such an exciting time for you and for your family. I am happy you are waiting for the little one to surprise you all, makes it fun for everyone. Our kids loved all the guessing and wondering. Boys and girls are both wonderful.

  14. You look incredible...you're all baby! I couldn't stand not knowing so I found out the sex before the birth. I was convinced I was having a boy, but nope...it was a girl! So much for mother's intuition...

  15. I have a question:
    Was your second born early? I keep hearing over and over that women's second child came early, but not necessarily the other ones?
    I am 34 weeks and I do NOT remember feeling this desperate to get it over with, with my first child. It's strange. I feel like the end is near but I keep telling myself, "another month and a half, Jess. Hang in there..."

  16. Beautiful picture! Thanks for posting. This baby is very exciting for all us readers.

  17. I love how open you are. And your 32 week belly is beautiful! Love you Sarah.

  18. You look gorgeous and the picture is very cute.
    I never had ANY inkling of a feeling as to what sex any of my children would be. I don't know anything about the old wive's tales, but I do know that after having 5 children, all over 10 (ten) pounds at birth, I've just learned to be thankful they and I remained healthy. I love the excitement of not knowing anyway, don't you?

  19. Oh, you are so cute! And you do not look huge, just perfect! I do miss my pregnancy belly. Can't wait to find out if it is a boy or girl, and "see" him/her.

  20. I don't think you look very big at all.

  21. I love your bump! When I was pregnant with my fourth I felt bigger than I was with the girls, and I had a boy! Good luck to you...the next two months will fly!

  22. I'm glad I've never sat next to you or that other pregnant mom
    . You're tiny. Oh, and I agree...I never care about the sex of the baby. I'm just thankful to get the children I have. I always say, "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit." Works for pregnant moms and kids.

  23. I'm shortwaisted, so I carry straight out front. People start commenting "Any day now, huh?" When I'm about 28 weeks. So I understand the feeling! But I also think you look 100% BEAUTIFUL.

    We are pregnant with our last, and though I will be equally thrilled with a boy or a girl, I know I'll be a bit sad that I can't have one (or three) more of each!

  24. You look cute! I was the one in the stores where people would say, "are you sure it's not twins?" yep! being surprised sounds so fun. i found out because both of mine were high risk, so although many things were out of my control, shopping wasn't, so i shopped like a crazy woman! Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy as much as you can!

  25. You look great! And I'm bigger than I've ever been pregnant too. Really. And at church on Sunday, I got really tired of people saying anything they wanted about my size because I'm normally so easy going. Last three weeks does not make me easy going :)

  26. I really don't like all of those old wives tales. I have had so many people tell me that I was expecting a boy with each baby because I get so big. I have had 5 girls. You look great!

  27. I used to think my mom was so silly for saying she didn't have a preference. She had one easy boy and one hard boy. She had one easy girl and one hard girl. She just wanted babies. When I was expecting my first I suddenly understood. And I still feel that way - I don't care, I just want a baby! :) Congrats to you!

  28. OK, I think you look tiny and I love that shirt. It doesn't even look maternity.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Sarah, you honestly look fantastic! My daughter was born in August last year, and at this point, according to a friend who is a midwife, I looked like I was overdue!! Everyone told me I was having a boy because I was huge and she was so active, but they were all wrong! You never know, and that's so exciting! I loved not knowing! Definitely makes it more fun.

    Thanks for your blog, I find it so encouraging and we'd love to have a big family (which is TOTALLY no-go here in England!) but you inspire me so much, so thank you!

    Much love from across the pond!



  31. Sarah, you look TINY! And perfect! So fun that you are pregnant and going to have a baby :-)

  32. Ha! You don't know what big is! I looked like that at week 20 (and I am normally a 5/6) It's the sixth one! What do you want? Like my doctor said imagine filling up the same ballon over and over again..imagine how attactive it would be. YOU LOOK MAAAARVOLUS!

  33. From this photo, you look fantastic. Pregnant, yes but fantastic! It will be so exciting to see- baby boy or girl. They will be a lovely addition to your family.

  34. I know you feel big, but oh my gosh you are NOT...I am on baby #5 growing much larger than you!

  35. You look amazing! Ha, I was huge with my 2nd. Constantly asked if it was twins! Nope, just one big girl, almost 10 lbs!!!

  36. Hi Sarah!

    Love your blog! It`s my first time here. Love your writing too!


  37. Gorgeous baby belly!!! I am so excited for August! ;)

  38. I love the look of "Baby Belly".

    One of life's simple pleasures is seeing a woman with a baby in her belly!

  39. Very glad to known about the your 32 weeks update, all things are going fine for you. Congratulations.

