
Lil Sis

Isaac came home last weekend to meet his new little sister. 

He loves college and I'm so happy for him.
It makes saying goodbye much easier.
It helps that I am so busy with everyone here and especially little Janey that I don't have time to dwell on the empty chair at the dinner table and the empty room, etc.
One thing I have to get used to it cooking about 1/2 the dinner I usually make, which is funny to me.
We miss you Isaac!


  1. That is awesome! What a tender picture. I love how he is holding her. ; )

    I could also totally relate to the cooking about 1/2 the dinner comment. It sure becomes obvious who eats the most when the teenage boys grow up and leave home. That is for sure!

  2. I know it takes quite a bit of getting use to having an empty chair, but the quantity I cooked never seemed to get any smaller I could never get the hang of that. What a special photo.

  3. Awwww! So glad he came and got to be a part of the celebrations! How perfect that he is happy at college!

  4. I love the picture. I've often wondered how much my grocery budget will go down when my oldest goes to school. We even joke about it around here. Guess we'll find out in a couple years.

  5. Sweet picture. I am the youngest of 5 and my brother was a freshman in college when I was born too! We have always been close.

  6. Aw so, sweet!

    I doubt you will have time to answer this question, BUT do you find your white slipcovers get dirty fast? Show dirt badly? I am considering re-decorating and buying some white slipcovers.

  7. Love that picture. He looks too young to be in college!! So handsome. ALL your kids are adorable.

  8. He looks older already! Glad he got to "meet" her when she is still such a little peanut. Enjoy snuggling baby Janey while she's this little...man I miss the newborn stage.

  9. This is so sweet. I was just telling my husband last night about how great it was that you have one going off to college and a newborn in the house. So many different phases of life going on at once has got to have it's challenges, but I think it's just wonderful... for everyone involved. How fun for Isaac to come home for the weekend. Hope (know you are) enjoying these newborn days :)

  10. Such a sweet photo!! Soooo happy to hear Isaac is liking school and so nice that he can come home too :)

  11. congratulations, she is beautiful!

  12. wow you guys are awesome....
    janey is beautiful congrats!

  13. I still can't believe he is in college because he doesn't even look like he is 14!

  14. Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl. I have a similar picture of my then-18-year-old son holding his newborn sister and it warms my heart every time I look at it!! My son is now 21 and his "baby" sister is 3 and I can tell you they still have a very special relationship. My son went away to college (8 hours away to be exact) and while it tears at my heart to only see him at holidays, I make sure we Skype at least once a week so he can see/talk with his little brother and sister. I know how important it is for them to see him, even if it is just on a computer screen.
