

How many days till spring?
And on a side note, can you believe Janey is now FIVE months old?
She is as sweet as pie and we all just can't get enough of her big ol' smiles.


  1. There was some glitch with your blog yesterday and I was so sad you might not be here anymore. I felt like I'd lost contact with a friend...hope that doesn't sound creepy :) so happy you are back.

  2. Have to agree with what Cheryl posted. So strange to check your blog and NOTHING is there. Again, not wanting to sound creepy, but I have grown to love your blog and the stories about your family life. It is so real and it helps keep me grounded in the daily routine of my family life. It is so reassuring to know that there is someone else out there that is similar to me! Because of you, I know that I am not crazy when I freak out about the house being out of order, or that I am a bad mother because I hate to cook! LOL!!! Thanks Sarah for the inspiration...it is needed for so many!!!

  3. That is the CUTEST photo! I am with you--think spring! Enough of this cold already, lol!

  4. I’m with everyone else... I was bummed when your website wasn’t up yesterday... Your blog has inspired and encouraged me to love being a newly SAHM and focus on my three kiddos and to slow down... Welcome back!!

  5. Same thing with me, your typical address is taking me to some weird search engine. It's like someone hijacked your domain name. I was so scared that you stopped blogging. I had to google what happened to clover lane blog to find you again. Your normal address isn't working. You may want to look into it.

  6. I found your blog from an online friend who was concerned because she couldn't see your blog at all in her reader. I was able to get to you via Google's cache, but I think you've been hacked somewhere.

  7. Just wanted to echo all the other comments! So glad that you're back! Adorable photo! Have a great weekend Sarah!

  8. Hooray!! I'll join all the other creepers and say, "We're so glad you're back!!" And that sweet toothless baby grin... I could smother her with kisses. Have a wonderful weekend, Sarah!

  9. Glad your back! Love the photos you post of that precious baby Janey!

  10. Me Too! I really hope it doesn't sound creepy but I really enjoy your "take" on a day! You just give encouragement and hope through your writing! You are so normal and real!thanks for taking the time to share.

  11. yes, please don't leave us again like that! your blog is one of the first ones i read each morning and when you weren't there this week i was lost! ha!! i was so sad, but was hoping it was some kind of glitch in the system or something! love you!

  12. So glad you're up and running again. When I stopped by earlier today I was worried you might have shut it down. Always enjoy stopping by your blog and leave feeling uplifted and inspired.

    Janey is so precious....oh my goodness. Hard to believe she's already 5 months. :-)

  13. So glad you aren't gone, I was missing you already!

  14. Oh thank goodness...I felt sad when I coudln't get here......whew! Janey is adorable.....

  15. You're back! Yeah! I never realized how much I enjoy some of my very favorite blogs with my morning coffee until I clicked on your blog and got a funny ad :( Not funny! I guess I really look forward to checking in with my favorites on a daily basis...so glad you're back!! (and Janey is such a cutie...love the hat!) Enjoy your weekend...see you Monday (HA!)

  16. I will join the bandwagon! So relieved your blog is still here. I count on it weekly!

  17. I will join the bandwagon! So relieved your blog is still here. I count on it weekly!

  18. Oh I'm SO glad to see your blog back! I was worried that something had happened and you'd taken it down!

    {{hugs}} she's adorable :-)

  19. WooHoo, you're back! I need my Janie fix :) Sorry the blog-world is not playing nice. How do you fix that sort of thing?

  20. I'm a fairly new reader but I have to say that when your blog was down I was missing it too. I really enjoy your posts and they encourage me so much. Welcome back.

  21. I was panicked and hoped that you knew it was broken. Glad it's back.

  22. VERY glad you are back up and running! Memories on Clover Lane is part of my morning routine (even more so now that I am 9 weeks out from my own baby).

    Also I must say how I appreciate "VOILA". It seems like every other blog I read uses "wah-lah". Thank you.

  23. I was so glad to see your blog back up and running. I have to admit I was very sad when I tought your blog might not be here any more.

  24. Phfew!! I think we all freaked out a bit! Ha!!

    So glad it was a fluke.

    Oh that sweet baby of yours, she's just the cutest. Does that little outfit look familiar? :)

  25. Cute picture! I was pretty sad the other day when I was not able to log onto your blog. Computer problems are not fun!
