
For Quiet Mondays?

On Sunday night, I thought, I am so grateful for Mondays.  I can put the house back in order and tackle my to-do list and just recover from the busy weekend and...just quiet...lovely.

But then on Sunday night we had a big storm and the lights went out.  And then they went back on at 1:45 a.m...like EVERY light in the house went back on.  I was the only one that seemed to notice this-everyone else was slumbering away!

And in the wee morning hours, the school called and said that start time is delayed but they called back after breakfast and said school is cancelled.  (Except for poor Abbey's school that never cancels.)

So much for Quiet Monday.  But I am grateful the lights are back on, and that my house is still standing and the kids DO entertain Janey so much, and maybe I will be able to get something done today.  It will be a not-so-quiet day at home, but a 3 day weekend isn't so bad either.


  1. I just have to say, as a stay at home mom, Mondays are the best! Most of the kids go back to school, the husband goes back to work, and I can recover and regroup. They are, and have been my favorite day of the week for quite some time. I have a sick one at home today, so it isn't quite going as planned, but it is still pretty great!
    And oh my goodness, Janey's hair is so long!!

  2. Monday is my big housework day and I LOVE it. I'm not always the best at having my plans scuppered, but do you know what? One look at those 3 smiling faces above and I guess housework just goes out the window!

  3. Glad you guys are all safe and sound. Here's hoping you get get something done with the boys entertaining Janey.

  4. I know what you mean! Everyone always is complaining about Mondays, but they are my favorite. There's just something to be said about getting back to the routine and getting the house in order.

  5. Look how adorable they are!!! I am glad that your power came back on...my kids were praying for no school but no such luck!! Hope you can enjoy your Tuesday tomorrow!! hugs, cathy

  6. A three day weekend would be nice once in a while albeit plans are altered to accommodate kids at home. But look how good they play together. Mondays come around far too quickly nice to have a change of pace.

  7. I think we must live very close because this is how my Sunday and Monday went exactly, including the 1 am "lights on" wake up! :)
