Here's an updated list of our favorite, most-played with, delivered-to-your-doorstep, Mom-approved toys.
And here are our favorite games.
And our favorite books.
Here are some great teen gift ideas.
An abridged list by age/interest.
All updated!
For all gift post ideas, click on the image in my sidebar, over there to the right.
I know that finding good, classic stuff can be difficult...there seems to be so much straight-out junk for kids in the stores today. I do end up spending a little more on toys I know will appeal to all ages and will last through the years, but to me it's worth it, because it just gets handed down from sibling to sibling (I've had 22 years of Santa visits and birthdays at our home already!), and played with-it's not just broken and thrown away.
I have always loved adding to our collections (and always have something to offer when those relatives ask, "What should we get them?)...whether that collection be Legos, or a train set, or Magna Tiles.
Baby/Toddler Toys
Ours is slightly worn out after 21 years because they loved this so much.
Great for hand/eye coordination. They can do this at about 3.
Janey (3) loves making necklaces and once again, great for hand/eye coordination and color recognition.
I usually try not to buy lights/sounds toys, but this was a gift and Janey loves it. The teapot sings cute songs (and has a low/high button) and we've all memorized it. It comes with little cups and a cake. She plays with this all the time.
These are all classic and used for each of my babies. I love the cups the best. My babies have played with them, and Janey at three still does. I think "baby" toys last a long time-we are sometimes eager to replace them with big kid toys, but they love them for a long, long time.
This was another gift we received that Patrick and Janey LOVE.
There are probably cuter wooden shape sorters out there, but I've found those usually aren't as simple as this (they have cut outs on all sides.) Janey still plays with this.
Alphabet blocks and the corn popper are others we've used for two decades.
Patrick loved this truck as a toddler.
Jumbo Zoo Animals-
This is a cheap little set of BIG zoo animals. It's really hard to find big models of animals and I searched high and low. These go in the bath tub, the pool, the sandbox. Sometimes it seems that they all get along so well, and sometimes there are a few battles.
Super duper soft and cuddly stuffed animals.
Wood peg puzzles-we have so many, most of them for years and years.
Janey loves this purse, we call it her "church purse". I found it at Target in the girl's department. It's the perfect size for her. What is it with girls and bags?
Love the emotion in the bear's faces.
KidKraft Vintage Kitchen - White
($112 which is more than half off-they have red, pink and blue also for a few dollars more. )
Janey loves this kitchen and it's really really on sale right now-for less than Santa might have paid his elves to make it last year during prime-sale-season. :)
I researched kitchens like crazy when I thought Janey was old enough for one, and this is what we chose after my cousin gave it a glowing review, BUT with this warning:it comes in a lot of pieces! If you wait till Christmas Eve to put it together you will be sobbing at 4 a.m. from exhaustion. This is a job for a grandparent or an uncle or a Dad (or a teenager you might hire for twenty bucks to lock himself in a room and assemble it one afternoon.)
It is sturdy and the knobs turns, the shelves move, the little doors open and close and the little phone is a sweet touch. The storage capability is great also for easy clean-up:
We bought these accessories (plates and utensils and wooden food) for her kitchen-just the right amount (I didn't want a set with 1,000 items!)
Love this velcro cutting food, board and knife.
One of my favorite games to play with the little ones, all the kids enjoyed it through the years.
Janey's favorite things are her hand-me-down babies and her hand-me-down crib and her little cheap stroller.
When Patrick was a toddler he loved his stroller also-inexpensive but such good use out of it!
Children's Toys
Vintage Fisher Price (from Ebay or your mom's attic :). They don't make them like they used to. I know that the vintage people can be choking risks so they made them bigger and chunkier nowadays but I love the old versions (and I can't see a child attempting to swallow an entire Little Person?). We have the garage, the farm, the house and the school room.
Trains, of course! This collection started 17 years ago and I just love it. We started with the most basic set (and I think it was maybe just a Melissa and Doug-not a Thomas brand) and added to it slowly and surely over the years. (I don't know if you still can but I used to get the engines at Michael's with a 40% off coupon.) Even with all the boys, I think it was one of Abbey's all time most played with set. I just love those little Thomas characters. My Dad built us a train/coffee table and we still use it in our family room.
This is a neat building set, that comes with lots of little cards so the kids can match the diagram. Janey at 3 loves this just to stack, but Patrick (7) and Andrew (12) will play with this also so it appeals to a wide range.
If I am honest, these light sabers are at the top of our list of most-played-with-toys, you can see how battered and worn they are!
What is it with lightsabers? I don't get it.
Of course Legos are a huge favorite here. My favorite is the Eiffel Tower that Matt built. I am glad that we bought it when we did because it now sells for $1,189. No joke. I think Andrew's favorites are the Star Wars Lego and Lego City series. I can't imagine life without Legos. As you can see, they can quickly take over a room. At the time I didn't realize it, but Legos help teach so much-following directions and lots and lots of concentration. Although sometimes they can be pricey, I don't regret one bit the money I've spent on Lego, and they usually have great sales this time of year. My kids have spent hours and hours of winter days putting these things together, and Lego sets have always been on their Christmas and birthday lists.
This is SO much fun!
Definitely for junior high and high school kids this hovercraft thingy was a huge hit last year. It has a rechargeable battery and takes some skill and a little practice to get the hang of. (There are some YouTube videos that show how to work these.)
My now sixteen year old really researched which brand was good, and this is the one he chose. He was able to get so good at working it, he could follow someone around the entire house with it hovering right behind them which was funny. It is NOT funny if you get it tangled in your older sister's beautiful long hair though.
If you order this make sure you look at the estimated delivery time, as some companies ship from out of the country and it won't be here in time for Christmas.
Andrew (6th grade) begged for this last year and I really did my research on it and though long and hard about it. I wanted it used only for reading and nothing else. (It has parental controls.) It really has been great. He uses this about 50% of the time, reading "real" books the other 50%. I bought it because I just could not keep up with his book reading. He can download books from the library by himself this way and always have something to read. Again, it is a nice "gadget" gift to appease a tween whose mom does not allow video games and cell phones and computer games.
I'd call this the year of the Rainbow Loom at our house.
The initial set is about $15, and it comes with a starter package of bands. You can buy refill bands (about $3-4) in all sort of colors. It helps to have an organizer box, and they sold cute ones at the local toy store but I also found the Stanley organizer (meant to be for screws and nails I think) works well also.
This is so much fun!
Once you get the kit, you send away for the caterpillars, and then follow the easy instructions for care, till they turn into butterflies. We've done this a few times, and it has always worked perfectly. (Remember it has to be warm outside for the caterpillars to be sent in the mail.)
Patrick loved this puzzle when he was an older toddler-I think it was his most-played-gift last year.
Everyone should have a big ugly plastic basketball hoop in their living room, don't you think? :)
I don't mind it as much when I think of all the energy the four boys burn during the 5 long months of winter.
We've tried a few different brands but this one
has been the only one that has really held up to all the dunking it endures daily-even from teenagers and college aged adults, and old dads also.
A great marble run that comes with a nice booklet of different configurations. (I have to help Patrick with this one-Andrew at nine could figure it out on his own.)
I wasn't sure about this-it's about $30 for a strip of plastic, and there are no gadgets or gizmos with it-except for a suction cup (to stick one end on windows) and another piece to make a loop. The kids have to find books, chairs, etc and be creative, but we've had hours and hours of play with this and they've had tons of fun racing. To see it in action you can watch here.
This is another really cool marble run that the boys get really creative with. I often find it wrapped around my living room.
We've had this forever and it's about the only toy that makes noise that I don't mind.
Patrick and Andrew were introduced to Playmobil by their cute neighbor friends.
Legos will always be a favorite of ours, but this collection is a little relief from the thousands of little pieces and parts, while still being "buildable" and great quality.
They decided to start with the popular dragon land
The Razor Rip-Rider
-These things are crazy and give me a heart attack but all the kids love them. ONE OF MY BEST PURCHASES! They go really fast and the wheels in the back allow you to spin in circles. The boys love these and ride them constantly. Ages four-teenagers. They even play crashing games with them and they've held up forever. When friends come over this is the toy they gravitate towards.
are probably one of the favorite outdoor toys we've purchased. They do take some co-ordination and core muscles to master-which means it takes kids about 5 minutes to figure out and if you are older than thirty you might put yourself in the hospital ;).
For teenagers, longboards are all the rage.
Pogo Stick
(this is close to what is pictured above, but not the exact match)
I think Andrew's record is several hundred, no joke. It gives me a headache just watching him.
I don't even remember who asked for this once, but it's now in Patrick's closet hiding his treasures. He loves that it is all under lock and key. The kids have used it to play store too.
Here's another brand that is smaller but locks.
Snap Circuits -Matt (12) has always loved these and I saw Andrew (8) had it out the other day. I have never figured it out but the kids seem to be able to make things work. I know they've tricked me with a door bell sound before.
This maze is a great toy for bored kids. From Isaac to Patrick, it's been a hit, and there seems to be a new version every year (we have three now!)Isaac brought one home from college and the boys all loved it. It's more difficult than it looks. Video of how it works here.
A nice reader left a comment about this toy being a favorite with her sports-crazy boy and I bought it for Patrick and he plays with it constantly. He is always setting up games-one time I thought he was cleaning up because all the guys were in a big pile, but he corrected me and told me he was just waiting while they all fought over the ball.
His Christmas/birthday list this year asks for the Football Guys and the Hockey Guys .
Patrick and Andrew and Janey probably play with these the most out of any toy we own. Honestly, they are really irresistible even to me. All the sides of each tile are magnetized so they click together. We initially bought the 32 piece set, but this year I'm going all out and getting the 100 piece set which I would have bought in the beginning had I known this was going to be an all time favorite.
Build A Road
Magna Doodle-A cheap old magna doodle has always been a favorite with each of the kids. Patrick and I play a game where I draw something and then he guesses what it is and then he draws something and I guess. I never get it right, go figure, and he loves that.
(The one in the picture isn't available but the one I linked to is the newer version.)
This year's all time favorite-thank you Aunt Tracy! It has gotten many a boy tired before bed time and my boys playing together-ages 17-3.
Drawing books and sketch pads. Once in awhile Michaels will have a 50% sale for their nice sketchbooks. I have found all sorts of drawing books at book stores.
Andrew (6th grade) is really into these and uses them for drawings and projects.
Shrink Art Jewelry Kit
-Abbey also loved this craft book. She even had a little business going in 7th grade selling earrings to her classmates. I spent many an evening, baking shrinky earrings, thinking, "Oh boy what did we get into here?" She loved it though and could hardly keep up!
Oh I wish I could say they made this sweet Madeline set but they don't anymore. (You can still find them on Ebay.) These were the perfect substitute for Barbies or those other dolls that look like you-know-whats. Ick.
If any mom of girls out there knows of a nice sweet replacement (these are about 7" tall) that is available in stores or on-line please suggest in the comments!
and one more thing...
All American Girl, of course-Abbey played with her dolls into middle school, and loved all the books. Janey is still too young at three for them, but she has Abbey's old Bitty Baby that she loves.
-flashlights/headlamps for reading in bed
-new pens and pencils for school
-cheap gloves (the kind that cost $1)
-gum/breath fresheners
-socks and underwear
-for girls: little make up items, hair bands and ties, nail polish
-new toothbrushes
-card games
Feel free to ask any questions in comments or email me.
Wow. I can't believe you were able to keep toys that long! That's pretty amazing.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great list. Some of these i haven't heard of but look really cool! Like the kapla blocks.....i want that for me! Haha! :-)
Great list! Thanks for all of the ideas!
ReplyDeletePlaying catch up on my blog this evening---covering our BIG Disney trip a month ago and now covering our 8 year old's birthday. Both having lots to do with Star Wars and light sabers!!! You nailed it!! Boys just have to have them---something they were built with---hopefully to fight injustice!!!! :) Love this list!! Adding some of these to our list!! Thanks, Sarah!
ReplyDeleteI just want to come play at your house!
ReplyDeleteYou have the BEST list...thank you!
I have a 12 year old son and what a great idea- the electronics kit. Thank You!
ReplyDeleteLove your blog!!! Thanks:)
ReplyDeleteHappy Turkey week!
You inspired me to share iur best toys in house of 4 kids....
Thank You .... I love your lists! I always find some good gifts.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this great post! So helpful! I just added a few things to our list :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for this awesome post!!
ReplyDeleteGreat post!! I love all of your ideas.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! My husband and I were just talking the other day about Christmas for the kids and I thought to myself, "I hope Sarah does her 'favorite toy' list again this year … I need help : )"
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for these great ideas! I got a few items from your list last year, and the kids LOVED them. My only problem is keeping everything together and getting them to pick up after they're done with a toy so we don't lose pieces ;(
ReplyDeleteSo many great ideas! We have a lot of these already...but so many cool toys we don't have too! I have one request Sarah: Can you please do a follow-up blog sometime soon on how you manage to keep all of these toys organized and stored??? I'm sure I'm not the only one who would appreciate it! :D
ReplyDeleteI love your list! Some are not available at amazon anymore though, like the pogo stick, the Quadrilla Twist & Rail, the build a road one, and that makes me sad! Thought you should know. Thanks for the ideas!
ReplyDeleteThank you Erika, for letting me know, I updated the links.
DeleteAwesome, thanks!!
DeleteGreat list - thank you! We celebrate Hanukkah, so our gift shopping is already done, but I bookmarked several of these for my kids' birthdays in May. It's hard to believe you have all these toys; the pictures of your house show it always looking so clean and uncluttered!
ReplyDeleteThank you Sarah! My boys have been the beneficiaries of your wisdom for a few years now. And I'm seeing a few things to add to my Amazon cart once again! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for such a great list! So appreciate it. I'm just do you handle things like the skyward rail coaster and legos that have small pieces and Janey? I have 10 year old son with those toys and newly mobile 6 month old...I live in fear of the choking hazards and put his toys away for now.
ReplyDeleteHoly moly!!! That's a lot of toys!!! I LOVE this list!!! Thank you for putting it together! I have some great new ideas for my 3 little ones!
ReplyDeleteExcellent Job! every year I find something that I wish we had. I try to buy learning and active toys for my boys, so your lists are always spot on! Glad to see I am not the only one who despises all the plastic junk!
ReplyDeleteFabulous list! Thanks for being a purposeful parent and helping out the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for doing this! Santa brought a plasma car and the jumbo zoo animals to our middle son last year, and I think Santa may be using your list again this Christmas! ;)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for doing this! Santa brought a plasma car and the jumbo zoo animals to our middle son last year, and I think Santa may be using your list again this Christmas! ;)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for doing this! Santa brought a plasma car and the jumbo zoo animals to our middle son last year, and I think Santa may be using your list again this Christmas! ;)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for doing this! Santa brought a plasma car and the jumbo zoo animals to our middle son last year, and I think Santa may be using your list again this Christmas! ;)
ReplyDeleteMy sweet little fella (2.5 yrs) has one thing only on his Christmas list...FOOTBALL GUYS! He's fascinated! So cool to hear your family likes this line, too!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteAre the Beacon Street Girls a good fit for an 8-year-old? My daughter reads so well that she's starting to pick books with topics that she doesn't need yet...nothing risque, but some of the books center around dating and preteen drama...we don't need that yet.
that was awesome...showed my husband the lightsaber pile! he laughed too.
ReplyDeletewhat a great post...i have 2 small nephews that live several hours away....neat stuff....amazing..zoobs, soccer guys, riprazors, magnet soccer game, soccer nets....pogostick,,...(gives u a headache...! u r hilarious!)
I know you included some stuff specifically for babies here, but if you have more ideas a baby-gear-only post would be great for me! I am having such a hard time finding non-flashing, singing toys for the younger set (two and below). My 8 month old has Christmas and, soon after, his birthday coming up and I want to get something he'll like but that won't just flash lights and make noise at him.
ReplyDeleteMy SIL shared some "in demand" toys for Tweens (my nieces) and I just had to share because I think it gets harder for aunts/uncles to shop for their nieces and nephews as they get older. (1) Rainbow in my room; and (2) kinetic sand. I ordered two of the rainbow ones off Amazon and I know my nieces are going to be so excited!
ReplyDeleteMy son (7) just got the mini rail as an early Christmas present from the grandparents due to your suggestion, he LOVES it. After playing with it for over an hour, he approached them on his own and said, "I really like my gifts." My daughter (5) got the Rainbow Loom and is churning out the bracelets. We already have the Melody Harp from our visit to Williamsburg and we (and the children) love it. Thanks for your suggestions!
ReplyDeleteI hope all those amazon links are affiliate links. I depend on your list every year to Christmas and birthday shop for my kids. You're pretty much my head elf. Just realized I'm far behind on shopping and list making and so thankful your blog is still around for ideas, even if you're not updating it often.