I love every character. Yes, that means Mary also. If I don't at first, they grow on me. Rose, for instance, annoyed me in the beginning, a little too flighty and excitable, and now, how can one not love her? I love Edith, and always have, even with the constant distress and tears.
OK, I just remembered one obnoxious character I didn't like-Sarah Bunting. I was so glad that she left and Tom said goodbye.
My favorites will always be Mrs. Patmore and Mr. Carson. Mrs. Patmore with her sensible no-nonsense demeanor and hard working spirit. But tenderness. And Mr. Carson with his respect for tradition and civility and manners and wisdom enough to know that just because change is the result of something new and different doesn't mean it's always better. I like his experienced wariness.
I was so happy that Daisy decided to stay at Downton in spite of being tempted towards the shiny glamorous world of London. People are more important, I think at that age we all learn that in some way, shape or form.
I can't get enough when they film outside and show the landscapes-a garden setting, a little jaunt through the town, the rolling hills of the country side, the castles and quaint houses. So so beautiful.
Alas, it's over. I didn't even know it-I was unprepared, till I noticed today that the DVR had recorded two hours worth-and that must be the end. And it was such a good ending (tissues!), such a good season.