
Encouragement For A Mother's Heart


  1. This quote captures so how I have been feeling lately. I have been wanting to get back into teaching and started feeling antsy about it and realized it just wasn't the right time and my kids would benefit more from time than the extra $. There will be time for that stuff later.:)

  2. Just passed on a short-term big-paying consulting job. And I have zero regrets. Even though the kids are older now, it would have disrupted our lives too much. It was so flattering to be asked and the thought of hustling and bustling was exciting, but for now my time is best spent at home even though my friends all seem to be returning to the work force. ~ PS, hope you're well. Was in Portsmouth shopping just the other day remembering our POM fun!

  3. I love these posts. I love ALL OF YOUR POSTS! You've been given a gift of wisdom and I bless you for sharing it with young mothers like myself!

  4. Can you do a blog post on Lego organization? My 5 year old loves legos and has just moved onto the "big kid" size. I would love to see how you organize them. Thanks Sarah!

    1. Yes Jessica, I will try. But if you saw my basement right now you'd laugh! There are Legos everywhere!!! I just use huge under-bed storage bins mostly, and they used to be sorted by color, but eventually that doesn't last perfectly.

  5. Love this quote from one of the apostles in my church! His talks are always amazing! Not sure if you've read any of them, but you should. Very inspirational! lds.org is the website.
