I love praying in our church when it is empty and quiet. It is gorgeous. They don't make churches like this anymore-I'm not sure why. Every little bit of it is a work of art.
Matt who is now in college-I love looking back at these photos and sending them on to the kids. Remember who you are in that new crazy world you are living in!!!
These guys went on a ski trip with Dad and had a blast. Next year Janey will be ready to learn and we will join them instead of miss them. It was nice getting little photos and videos.
Abbey was a good big sister and taught them all how to snowboard (she is actually really good which is why this is funny).
I have been subbing in art class and LOVE it. It's so much fun but I do come home exhausted. The kids are so so cute and most want to learn-just have a thirst for knowledge. It's so fun to watch.
Teachers are amazing and we should all be worshipping at their feet. I have SO much to say about that but that is going to be a whole other post. Basically-throw out all the tech and teach your kids to be calm and concentrate and be respectful. But throw out the tech. Really do it, hurl it into the attic forever. It is hurting and damaging children's brains immensely and there is a marked obvious difference in the kids who play video games and spend time on screens and the kids who don't. If there are any non-believers in that statement spend some days with kids at school. Or just try it-try it for 6 months. Take it out of the house and just say no, it's gone, no more. ALL OF IT.
A great friend I met a long time ago through my blog has an AWESOME instagram account full of the coolest art projects-she's been teaching for 20 something years. Some simple and not complicated to do at home.
I bought a few new but basic art supplies for Janey and Patrick to keep then busy-I know the northern kids across the continent are going stir-crazy.

Really nice art supplies in a sturdy box. It comes with directions for all the different types of paints, crayons and pencils.

Coolest Paint Markers-we love these! If you aren't in the mood for paint clean-up or have littles ones that make it too difficult these are the answer.
This playdoh is the best, and fun for the kids to make. Smells so good! Janey loves choosing the flavors at the grocery store.
Can you believe it? My fourth child I get to teach to drive. Actually my husband gets to teach to drive-I just can't do it.
I remember trying with Abbey-I think I was pregnant, but after about 10 minutes I felt so so car sick with the starts and stops. I can laugh about it now but I think I was pretty impatient. We all have our strengths and that's just not one of mine, although I can honestly say I've chilled immensely as the years go on. The gift of aging I guess, along with wrinkles. :)